College Fears

Hey guys! I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t had the time to post another blog post. Once school starts up, I will try to come up with a consistent posting schedule.

With college coming up next month, I’ve started becoming less relaxed about the idea of college, and more stressed. One of the biggest things I’m worried about it not being able to make new friends. I am a very socially awkward person who panics at the idea of talking to people. For example, I went to church with a friend of mine, and unbeknownst to me, they do this thing where you have to get up and say hello to someone you’ve never met. The moment the pastor said that, I had a horrified look on my face; so socializing is definitely not my forte. I’m good at making friends online because I don’t actually have to see them face to face, but the moment someone is in front of me, I become a bumbling idiot. It will take time before I can get over my fear of talking to people, but I’m going to make it my goal to make at least one good friend before next summer.

One the note of friends, I’m also worried that I won’t keep in touch with my friends here in my hometown. My college is only an hour away from my home, and I keep saying that I will visit all the time, but I’m worried I won’t. I really love my friends, and I don’t want to lose them. It’s just that I’m the type of person who won’t keep in touch because I believe the other person doesn’t care to keep in touch with me.

I don’t know if I can handle the work load. I only have five classes, but what if it’s too much for me? I procrastinate a lot as it is, and if I fall behind in my classes, I don’t know if there will be a way for me to catch up. And if I have strict teachers, that will make things worse for me. I don’t do well under stress and I really hope I don’t give up within the first semester.

Despite these fears, I am quite excited to go to college. It will be a new experience for me. And I have a friend going with me who will be my roommate, which helps a little with the social awkwardness I feel.

Until next time!

First Blog Post

Hello! My name’s Juli, and I’m a 17 year old beginner blogger. I start my freshman year of college in the fall. Some of my hobbies include reading and drawing. My goal with this blog is to improve my writing skills, since I want to become a photojournalist. I also hope that maybe I can at least entertain someone, or even help them through this blog. My posts will center around the photography I make, along with the occasional bookish post since I also have a book blog on tumblr, and I want to be able to reach that audience as well.

Let me know if there’s anything specific anyone would like to see on this blog!